Wish List

Here some projects I would like to start but haven’t bought the pattern or started yet.

1-Topiary Christmas-Ursula Michael

2-Winter Cardinal-Dimensions Kit

3-The Birches-Jeanette Ardern

11 thoughts on “Wish List

  1. Heather Caulkins says:

    Serenity Prayer is my fav 😉

  2. I like cats, so naturally, I’ll got with #2. My second favourite is the bubbles pattern. It’s cute. Don’t think I’ve seen anything like that.

    BTW…thanks for the follow! 😉

  3. Ginny says:

    You have quite the list there. I think I like the Bubbles the most. I have not seen that design and looks awesome. I love snowmen, so that would be my second choice. But I think that any one you choose will be a fun stitch for you. They are all sweet.
    Love your background. Is that a bookmark that you are working on? If so, where did you get it? My hubby just started stitching book marks, so I am on the look-out for different ones.
    Thank you for the follow to my blog.

    • flmaryg says:

      My background is a bookmark that I made for a friend a few years ago. I believe it was like a rib-band product where it is only like 30 stitches wide and you cut off whatever length you want. I think I got it at Michaels.

      • Ginny says:

        Oh, that’s a good idea using the rib-band. Thank you for getting back to me. I will look the next time I go to Michaels.

  4. Oooh. I like the bubbles. They would make a lovely cushion.

  5. Logan Mack says:

    My first pick would be the serenity prayer lighthouse-Stoney Creek just has such great colors coming out and my second would be Bubbles.

  6. Eresin says:

    Great list you have there! I love the colours on the sailboats! What will you start with?!

  7. fayesplace says:

    I like the winter quilt one and think it will be fun to stitch.

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